Hotels & Resorts

Discover a curated selection of luxury hotels and resorts

Special pricing for National Seniors Australia members

Special pricing for National Seniors Australia members

24/7 assistance while travelling

24/7 assistance while travelling

Expert travel advice and customer service

Expert travel advice and customer service

Solo traveller and group tours

Solo traveller and group tours

Hotels & Resorts

Indulge in luxury

Indulge in luxury

Discover a curated selection of luxury hotels and resorts with National Seniors Travel.

National Seniors members receive special pricing on curated holiday packages, cruises, tours for solo travellers and groups in all your favourite destinations and receive 24/7 assistance while travelling.

Speak to a widely-travelled travel consultant for personalised assistance.

Hotel deals

Ultimate Red Centre: Alice Springs, Kings Canyon & Uluru

Ultimate Red Centre: Alice Springs, Kings Canyon & Uluru

Members from: $3,434 P.P Twin Share

Outrigger Fiji with Spa Credit & Transfers

Outrigger Fiji with Spa Credit & Transfers

Members from: $1,317 P.P Twin Share

Self Drive South Island New Zealand

Self Drive South Island New Zealand

Members from: $3,455 P.P Twin Share

Top End Self Drive: Darwin, Kakadu and Katherine

Top End Self Drive: Darwin, Kakadu and Katherine

Members from: $3,111 P.P Twin Share

Contact us

Prefer to speak to someone?

Call our friendly travel consultants on 1300 88 37 50

(Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm AEST)

Access exclusive travel discounts

Join National Seniors Australia today

Join National Seniors Australia today

National Seniors members have exclusive access to travel discounts as well as a yearly subscription to Our Generation magazine, access to local community branches, our Financial Information Consultant for independent information, tools and resources and more.

For only $49.50, anyone can become a member and it only takes a few minutes to join.