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Better Housing

This campaign works to improve housing options for older Australians.

The issue

The issue

Rental costs are rising and there is a lack of suitable housing options to give people choice when downsizing.

What we're calling for

What we're calling for

We’re campaigning to build affordable rental housing for seniors and better support for downsizers.

The benefits

The benefits

Building rental housing for older Australians and supporting the construction of accessible housing will give people more choice and delay entry into aged care.

Our policy recommendations

Enable home care recipients to downsize without pension penalties.

We're lobbying for home care recipients, over 80 years old, to be able to downsize without it affecting their pension, which will enable them to stay out of residential care.

Home sharing education and incentives

National Seniors is calling for an exemption of rental income from the Age Pension income test when a pensioner rents out a room/s in their home; for a campaign to educate older poeple about home sharing; and for governemnt to investigate whether a Capital Gains Tax exemption would encourage home sharing.

Increase rent assistance payments

National Seniors is calling for a further increase in the maximum rate of Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA) and for indexation of CRA to be tied directly to the housing component of CPI rather than overall CPI.

Introduce a stamp duty concession for eligible seniors in all states and territories.

We believe a concession for stamp duty for Pensioner Concession Card and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders in Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia will increase the appeal of downsizing.

Include ‘accessible housing’ design standards in the National Construction Code (NCC)

We're campaigning to change the National Construction Code (NCC) which will make new housing age-friendly and facilitate more downsizing options.

Create a capital grants scheme for the construction of rental housing suitable for older people.

We're pushing for the creation of a capital grants scheme that incorporates universal design principles. This will reduce older renters risk of falling, hospitalisation or premature entry into residential care.

Stronger Retirement Village Protections

We are calling for stronger protections against unfair fees and charges and nationally consistent laws to simplify contracts.

Minister for Older Australians

National Seniors Australia is calling for a dedicated Minister within the federal government to champion the diverse issues facing older Australians, such as discrimination, elder abuse, retirement income, health care and aged care.

Download the report

Read our report on Downsizing: Movers, planners, stayers

Downsizing is a major consideration for Australian homeowners when they enter retirement. The National Seniors Australia (NSA) study gathered data from the members of National Seniors on their reasons for downsizing, and asked about some policy measures that may encourage them to downsize.

Campaign win

Better housing

Better housing

National Seniors has lobbied hard to make housing more accessible as part of our Better Housing campaign. On 30 April 2021, Ministers attending the building ministers’ meeting agreed to adopt mandatory accessibility standards in the National Construction Code (NCC). This means all new homes and apartments will have to meet 7 minimum accessibility standards to accommodate people with limited mobility or a disability.

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National Seniors is the leading not-for-profit organisation fighting for a fair go for older Australians.

We rely on people like you to donate so we can continue to tackle issues such as age discrimination, accessible housing, pension poverty, health costs, aged care, improve retirement income and provide more home care places so that older Australians can live safely and make ends meet.

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Our submissions

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